Square Dance Fun For Everyone!
Bob Elling has been calling for 3rd and 4th graders every week for 8 years. Over that time, he has developed choreography which is extremely simple and can be done easily by people with little or no square dancing experience. The CDs on this page include songs that have been recorded by some of the top callers in the country, all of which are appropriate for elementary school use or for use by people who have not square danced before. (School CDs are $15 each.)
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Sample Video Animations
Bob Elling and Chuck Clay have collaborated on these videos which show simple animations of dancers going through the movements called in each song, synchronized with the music. This will make it easier for non-dancers (such as teachers) to teach the dances to other non dancers. The following are sample extracts from these videos.
called by Ken Bower
Here's a sample of the animated demo (by Chuck Clay) for the school version of YMCA, with vocal by Ken Bower of Rhythm...
Posted by Riverboat Records on Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Mickey Mouse Club
called by Jerry Story
Bob has been working on simple square dance for elementary school children for some time now, and has produced a CD with...
Posted by Riverboat Records on Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Gummy Bear Song
called by Elmer Sheffield
Posted by Riverboat Records on Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Best Years Of Our Lives
called by Elmer Sheffield
This is the 5th animation in the Square Dance Fun For Everyone CD that is meant as an aid to learn these dances. These are songs that were popular with 3rd and 4th graders that I taught weekly for 8 years.
Posted by Riverboat Records on Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Oh Johnny Oh
called by Jerry Story
This is the 4th animation in the Square Dance Fun For Everyone CD that is meant as an aid to learn these dances. These are songs that were popular with 3rd and 4th graders that I taught weekly for 8 years.
Posted by Riverboat Records on Tuesday, December 22, 2015