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Links for Callers
This is a site set up by the CALLERLAB Music Producers' Committee, with the purpose of being a central linking point connecting to all of the individual music producers' websites.Other Square Dance Music Producers
- Another Beat
- Blue Star Music / New Hi-Hat Music
- Cheyenne Records
- Chinook Records
- Crest Recordings / Acme Recordings
- Crown Records
- Double M Records
- Ego Recordings
- Fine Tune / Gold Wing Records
- Gramophone Productions
- Hipster Productions
- Lou-Mac Records
- Mesa Apache Productions
- New Beat
- Pioneer/Mountain/Desert/Ocean
- Ranch House
- Rhythm Records
- Royal Records
- Shakedown Records
- Shindig Productions
- Silver Sounds
- Sting/Snow Records
- Talon / Ramblin' Rose
- Tarheel
- DoSaDoMusic
(also owns the Chaparral label) - A&S Record Shop
(also owns the A&S and Global labels)
Computer Programs For Callers
- SD — A Square Dance
Caller's Helper
(free checker/choreography program)
- CSDS — the Ceder Square
Dance System
(music and choreograpy management program)
- Callarama — choreography
program with animations and voice recognition
- Sqview — free music
playing and management program for Microsoft Windows computers and
Android phones and tablets
http://www.sqview.se/download.php - SquareDesk — free cross-platform music playing and
management program, available for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.
Links for Dancers
Square Dance Call Animations
Instructional Materials
- Saddlebrooke
online lesson videos - Traveling Hoedowners
DVDs - Gotta Dance!
DVDs by 50-year caller Betsy Gotta
(Click on Video Info) - DoSaDo.com
And, of course...
Riverboat Dance Party CDs!More to come...