Female Key
Harmony by Kumi Takahashi
Caller Name
Noriko Shinogaya

Circle Left
You tell me you love me, you say you'll be true
Then you fly around with somebody new

Allemande Left the Corner, DoSaDo your own
Allemande Left and Weave
You tell me you love me, you say you'll be true
Then you fly around with somebody new

Swing the girl and you all Promenade
But I'm no good without you, you butterfly

Break Lyrics

You treat me mean, you're makin' me cry
I've made up my mind to tell you goodbye


4 Boys Promenade inside the ring
Back home, Swing..Swing the girl
Join hands, Circle Left go 'round
Allemande Left and Weave
I love you so much I know what I'll do
I'm clippin' your wings, your flyin' is through
'Cause I'm crazy about you, you butterfly


Heads/Sides Square Thru, go four hands around
With the Corner do a DoSaDo
Swing Thru and then, Boys Run Right
Half Tag, Follow Your Neighbor and Spread
Swing Thru and then, Recycle now
Swing that Corner and you all Promenade
'Cause I'm crazy about you, you butterfly


Side ladies center, Teacup Chain
I knew from the first time I kissed you
That you were the troublin' kind
'Cause the honey drips from your sweet lips
One taste and I'm outta my mind

Heads Square Thru, 4 hands inside
Swing the Corner and then you all Promenade
'Cause I'm crazy about you, you butterfly


You butterfly