Someone Poured Ketchup On My Ice Cream Caller Name
Tim Tyl

Four Ladies Chain and go 3/4  -  -  -
All Eight go Forward & Back, and Circle Left  -  -  -
Four Ladies Rollaway  -  Circle Left that way  - 
Allemande Left the Corner and Weave The Ring
Someone poured ketchup on my ice cream  -  -
Someone put oysters in my tea  -  -  -
Someone put on onions in my chocolate pudding  -  -
When they stole you love away from me

Closer Lyrics

Someone put pebbles in my sneakers  -  -
Someone put ants inside my pants  -  -  -
Someone put itching powder in my laundry  -  -
And I scratched away my romance


Sides Face, Grand Square
Someone put mustard on my pancakes  -  -
Someone put sardines in my soup  -  -  -
Someone put buttermilk on my corn flakes  -  -
When They Stole You...

Allemande Left and Weave the Ring
Someone put glue in my hair gel  -  -
Someone put castor oil in my toothpaste  -  -  -
Someone put starch in my undies  -  -
When they came along and took you away


Hds/Sds Square Thru 2 -  And then go Right & Left Thru  -
And turn that girl, and ready with a right, Eight Chain Seven  -
I could lie right down and cry myself a bucket full of tears  -
And let them flow like a river from my eyeballs to my ears
With number 8, Allemande Left and then you come on back  -
Do-Sa-Do new partner and then Promenade her home
Someone put snowballs   -  In my warm pajamas  -
When they stole your love away from me

Alternate Figure Tag Lyrics

Someone put on onions in my chocolate pudding  -  -  -
When they stole your love away...

Someone put snowballs   -  In my warm pajamas  -
When they stole your love away from me

Someone put itching powder in my laundry  -  -
And I scratched away my romance


And they stole your love away from me