You All Come (Y'All Come) Caller Name
Mitchell Osawa
(Courtesy Elite Records)
Caller Name
Max Masao Ringe

Circle Left
When you live in the country, everybody is your neighbor
On this one thing you can rely

Boys Star by the Right one full turn
Left Allemande your Corner and weave the ring
Y'all come! (Y'all come!), y'all come! (Y'all come!)
Swing a little girl around ’n promenade
Y'all come! (Y'all come!), Y'all come! (Y'all come!)
Well, y’all come to see us when you can

Note: "Echo" lyrics in parantheses are given on the harmony track


Sides Face, Grand Square
Grandma's a-wishin' they'd come out to the kitchen
And help do the dishes right away
But they all start a-leaving even though she's grieving
You can still hear Grandma say...

Allemande and Weave
Y'all come! (Y'all come!), Y'all come! (Y'all come!)
Well, y’all come to see us now and then
Y'all come! (Y'all come!), Y'all come! (Y'all come!)
Well, y’all come to see us when you can


Heads/Sides promenade go a-halfway 'round
Come down the middle and Pass the Ocean Then Extend
Swing Thru and then, Boys Run Right
Bend the line, Reverse the Flutter Wheel
Go Forward and Back, Slide Thru
Swing the Corner and you Promenade
Y'all come! (Y'all come!), Y'all come! (Y'all come!)
Well, y’all come to see us now and then


Y’all come to see us when you can