My Rock Caller Name
Gary Baker

Circle Left
My rock, my shield
My Jesus is real

Left Allemande, DoSaDo
Left Allemande, Weave The Ring
One day, He saved my soul
Swing your girl and Promenade
My lord, He is real
I can feel Him in my soul


Sides Face, Grand Square
My rock, my shield
My Jesus is real
I can feel him deep within
My soul

Four Girls Promenade
Swing that girl and Promenade
My lord, He is real
I can feel Him in my soul


Heads Square Thru and get 4 hands go
Meet that Corner girl and DoSaDo
Swing Thru tonight and Boys Run right
Bend the Line and do a Right & Left Thru
Flutterwheel and then Slide Thru
Swing your Corner and Promenade
My lord, He is real
I can feel Him in my soul

Alternate Lyrics

My lord, he is real
And he will lead you to the other side


Swing her, now!
My lord, He is real
I can feel Him in my...soul