Best Is Yet To Come RIV 1004
Paul Moore


4 Ladies Promenade, go once inside the ring
Get back home, you Swing, now, everybody Swing
Join your hands, Circle Left, go 'round the floor
Allemande Left the Corner and you Weave around once more
The best is yet to come, when you meet your partner son
Swing that girl, you Promenade
I have to shout when I think about having so much fun
Keep holding on, it won't be long, the best is yet to come


Heads Promenade and travel halfway around
Down the middle you Square Thru, 4 hands around
4 hands and then you do a Right & Left Thru
Pass Thru, Trade By, Swing Thru
Spin The Top, Slide Thru
Swing that Corner, Promenade
I have to shout when I think about having so much fun
Keep holding on, it won't be long, the best is yet to come


Keep holding on, it won't be long, the best is yet to come