Your Time Hasn't Come Yet Baby RIV 1000
Ken Bower


4 Girls Promenade go one time around now  (Boys in closer)
Come back and Swing your man
You join up hands make a ring and Circle Left you can go
Why do a Left Allemande and now you Weave the Ring...we're singing
Your time hasn't come yet Baby
You meet your guy and Promenade...oh, tell him
Your time hasn't come yet Baby
When it does, your heart will know


Here's where those Heads Square Thru in the middle and you get 4 hands you travel
You meet the Sides, Swing Thru
Girls Circulate one time, Boys Trade (called as Acey Ducey in 2nd figure)
Boy Run Right, Bend the Line, go Right & Left Thru
Come on and Star Thru, Pass Thru
Swing the Corner girl, Promenade...I'm tellin'
Your time hasn't come yet Baby
When it does, your heart will know


Oh, when it does your heart will know